Contacting the HGA (Holy Guardian Angel) is Easy!

Isaac Cardin
4 min readApr 18, 2022

The HGA (Holy Guardian Angel) is a topic that I rarely see discussed in clear terms. I don’t think I have ever read or heard anyone talk about this from the view point of personal experience, but instead it is usually only talked about in conceptual terms. While I would love to believe this is out of some need for secrecy it is more likely because everyone is looking for some huge mystical experience where some glowing being of light reveals itself with bells and whistles.

The topic of ‘Attaining knowledge and conversation with the Holy Guardian angel’ is something familiar to most occult practitioners and my opinions of this topic tend cause the Crowley worshippers and stuffy lodge magicians to rise up in outrage. It has been my experience that attaining knowledge and conversation of the holy guardian angel is actually much easier than most people think. It would seem that ACCEPTING that you are interacting with your HGA is much harder than actually doing it.

Like most things in magick, it is my experience that contacting the HGA much easier than many want to believe. Many people already have access to this spirit guide and don’t even realize it. It is true that consciously calling to this being can allow it to interact with you more directly in your life but it is already here with you right now in this moment. You could ask it to speak with you right here and now and you would likely get an answer… the challenge is trusting yourself enough to actually recognize it as an answer and not just your imagination.

Spirit communication is often quite subtle. Your thoughts and the spirits thoughts become one and your inner voice takes on the characteristics of the spirit in question. It is so simple that it can feel like you aren’t doing anything at all. The challenge comes from being able to trust yourself enough to know when you are just making things up or you are really communicating with a spirit. In some scenarios when you call on a spirit, they will appear in some dramatic way and strange phenomena will happen around you as a sort of message from the spirits saying “Hey, I’m here!” but in most cases it can seem like nothing is really happening at all. You may feel a presence enter the room, you may get flashes of images in your mind, candles might start to flicker, all kinds of strange things can happen but after a while the spirits quit putting on a show and expect you to just trust that they will show up when you call.

Even well known and respected practitioners like Frater Ashen Chassan, who is known for his extensive work in recreating traditional grimoire methods of spirit contact, have said that not ever operation is always a spectacular experience. Just because nothing seems to happen doesn’t mean the spirit isn’t there. I don’t want to speak for him but I’m pretty sure I recall him making similar statements.

People in the magical community can sometimes use esoteric terminology to flex their accomplishments while also being extremely vague about what they actually mean. Magicians can sometimes want to appear superior to their fellow practitioners by making it sound like they have attained lofty goals that only a few are capable of achieving. Knowledge and conversation of the holy guardian angel, crossing the abyss, rending the veil or paroketh, just to name a few. Many of these experiences are far more subtle and less grandiose than they sound. At least that is my perspective. Maybe there are others out there who have had biblical style experiences of beings made of fire and booming voices from the sky or travels to other dimensions, but I find that talking to my HGA is incredibly simple. I ask, and he responds. Everytime i ignore his advice i regret it. He seems to be right about everything but the communication is so simple and subtle that it doesn’t feel the way you might expect something so grandiose sounding to feel.

My experience with receiving the name of my HGA was really nothing that special. It came during a meditation where i simply asked for its name and it immediately popped into my head. It was such a trivial experience that it took me years to realize that I really was in communication with my HGA and this started long before I ever started getting into ritual practices and self initiation courses. I wrote it off as fantasy because I was expecting something mind blowing to happen. I wanted some Hollywood esque experience but all I got was a word and an image in my mind.

I will leave you with this, be wary of magicians who speak in jargon and try to sound like some wise mystical sage and subtly place themselves above you with claims of heroic feats. You know the type. The ones who will argue with you by typing multiple paragraphs while passive aggressively trying to invalidate your entire world view.

Although there are complex and difficult methods and practices, Magick is easy and accessible to anyone willing to give it an honest try. The difficult is in the preparation and memorization but the execution is not difficult. Dealing with the effects of that magick isn’t always easy but that is a different topic.

If you want to see more of these kinds of posts, along with lessons on kaballah, magick, spellwork, astrology, etc, join me over on my new patreon where will be sharing lots of this kind of stuff in the future. Here is the link for anyone who is interested

Thanks for reading and keep up the great work!



Isaac Cardin

Exploring Magick, Kabbalah, Astrology, Meditation and Occultism in general.