Why Most Astrologers are Wrong About Saturn

Isaac Cardin
4 min readAug 26, 2023

Saturn is one of the most misunderstood planets in astrology. Without also understanding the sphere of binah on the tree of life, and by understanding i mean invoking and interacting with that particular energy in ritual, you have little hope of truly comprehending what Saturn represents.

Most people interpret Saturn the way the ego would see it. They see it as representing hard work, discipline and challenges to be overcome but in truth the challenges are not there to be overcome, they are meant to show you the futility of control and encourage complete surrender to the silence. Saturn is not the structure of form itself but that which contains the structures of form.

Since the ego consists mainly of noise, when it confronts the unthinkable depth and awful silence of Binah/Saturn it feels threatened. The total and enveloping silence and darkness of Saturn appears to the ego as the grim reaper, a fearful symbol of death. There is really nothing to be afraid of.

Death in this sense is nothing more than the lack of excess noise in the mind. Ego death is not some unattainable or impossible thing to experience and what most people call ego death is not that at all. For instance, in the face of a psychedelic experience, ego death does occur but that is only a small part of what is happening. Ego death does not cause intense hallucinations or turn you into a labotamized zombie, its just a simple calm stillness and the subsequent opening of the repressed senses.

If you can learn to embrace this void of solid emptiness, you are free. You will be without fear or excess thinking. You will be free of all the unconscious manifestations that previously dominated your life which you used to call bad luck or fate. Some say that this will free you from the compulsion to manifest in a physical body at all. Some say that completing this work will allow you to accumulate so much energy that you can project your consciousness into an astral body and visit other worlds and create real effects in the physical world.

A great deal of energy is wasted in creating a false sense of self out of the habitual noise in the mind. When you reclaim that energy, magick opens up to you in ways you might not have expected.

The magicians spells, candles, Chaos sigils or goetic demons all pale in comparison to the power of an awakened adept who has transcended his own noise and triviality. This relationship to Saturn as the highest planet on the tree of life (unless you add uranus and neptune to the higher sephiroth but that is a whole other discussion) gives a clue as to why the color black often represents mastery.

The adept who becomes a walking agent of cosmic silence, in a sense, becomes a god of death and since all gods of death are also gods of life, you attain the knowledge of life and death which the biblical stories say will cause man to become as the gods. “for next they will partake of the tree of life and become as we are”.

Without having a practical understanding of the tree of life via the work of ceremonial magick, an astrologer is unlikely to glean the hidden truths behind astrology. They will often refer only to the most mundane aspects of life. Astrology was not developed to help you find your next boyfriend or girlfriend, nor was the tarot designed to help you spy on your ex.

Trying to use astrological elections to plan your egocentric pursuits and goals is completely missing the point. This is what the ego does when it is given divine tools of self understanding and enlightenment, it twists them into nothing more than the means to a self indulgent end. By self indulgent, I mean that these methods usually only serve to increase the noise within you that you have come to identify with. This bolstering of the ego may give a rush of power in the short term, but only serves to cement the walls of your spiritual prison even further.

Most people will ignore my words. Only a small few seem to be interested in anything that goes deeper than superficial self flattery and ego reinforcement. Some are destined to remain slave to the illusion of power while others are meant to awaken to the power of the illusion and operate from ‘outside’ the confines of their conditioning. Which will you be?

The path of the adept is long and arduous and not everyone makes it but you don’t need to be special to do it. Awakening is within reach of all who seek it.




Isaac Cardin

Exploring Magick, Kabbalah, Astrology, Meditation and Occultism in general.